Waitomo Caves-New Plymouth

Aight well no pictures quite yet as that isn't possible on this computer so that will have to wait. We are now in New Plymouth where we we supposed to be enjoying the beach and the surf. we may still enjoy the surf but it is raining and stormy, so less enjoying the beach. i gotta say that we didn't expect weather like this here, i mean its supposed to be summer. Many people that we have talked to have said that this isn't normal which is just perfect. Oh well. We arrived at Waitomo caves, go t a place and went to try to book the caving tour. But of course it's chritsmas the next day so things aclosed stupid. So we booked for the next day and then headed to Raglan, a surf beach abotu 1.5 hours away for the day. Many other people had the same idea but had secured there boards and such the day before as things are closed on christmas. Weird. We hit the beach anyways and at least it was rather warm. So i got the skimboard out and it was the first ever skimboard Christmas experience for me, so that's was sweet. And it was fun watching all the other people surf too. On the drive back we hit up some waterfalls which were pretty cool and then back to waitomo caves for the night in the hostel. This time whe we returned there was 2 bus tours there, including a contiki tour. I am reminded very quickly why i wouldn't like to be on one of those tours. The drmam, and childishness of some of the people is a little too much for me. I guess i'm not 19 anymore but still, i don't think that i was like that tnen anyways. The caving was pretty cool but of course a little too hyped up. BUt there were some really neat formations and so many glow worms on the walls and ceilings so that was actually my favorite. Such amazing creatures, they only need 2-3 bugs for food for their wholel lives! We are now in New plymouth, gonna hit the surf today and hopefully the weather turns for the better as we were planning on hiking the 2500m volcano. Think summy for me. see ya
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