Pakiri Beach-Auckland

ok So there are a bunch of things here to talk about. OK so after Paihia, we went to Pakiri beach, a stop on the way back to auckland. Beautiful beach but it was getting stormy. good thing we have a tent, hehe. it was nice to have a nice relaxing time though after the chaos of Paihia. (On the last night there, we went to the bar that closes at 3am and they had fooseball!). The kinda weird thing about Pakiri is that it's in the middle of nowhere and ye the security is the craziest i have ever seen! gate with sharp stuff ont hte top of the fence, and unfriendly staff. Not going there again. But we arrived in Auckland, found a place, went to this pretty lame aquarium, well it's nothing compared to vancouver(except for this conveyor belt thing that took you around this track and your surrounded byt the tank with sharks and fish and stuff. And they had penguins. But that was that day
I will now descibe to you a night in Auckland. This was very interesting. I was trying to meet up with my friend Lisa who was arriving in Auckland that night(which didn't happen unfortunately), so after dinner we go to the Globe bar, the one that we heard was good for travellers. A little early as it's more a club so we sti down at the bar to have a few pints. Time goes by, a few more and people are trickling in. Now before we even knew it, we were kinda worried but thought it would get better, we were suddenly surrounded by guys and one of them i think was hitting on Jesse and rubbing his leg up to his. Now i have been to gay bars before and even there there are more women than here. It was scary so we left. (gonna maybe send the lonely planet to tell them to update the type of bar that is). So then we go down to the warf as we here there are more bars there. Well these aren't bars but posh nightclubs and are turned away instantly,( well Jess was wearing sandals but i don't think the bouncer wanted to let us in anyways.) So we continue back to the hostel district to on bar at the bottom of a big hostel. Now this is another thing we learned is that people here in Auckland get really drunk and really early. We arrive to this place that is total chaos, there is this guys who is dressed up in a santa suit, which really soon turns into only santa pants, people coming to talk to us but can't form sentences, and this wa maybe at 11:30pm. Amazing. So we had a few more there and moved on. At this time we decide to walk back but on the way run into this bar and decide to go in. This place turns out to be a japanese bar full on with japanese music and one white guy there, drunkinly dancing ont he dance floor. We only had one there are returned home. So that was our night in Auckalnd, we learned that it wasn't our scene at all.
We spent a night in Tauranga, one day on the beach and climbed the hill. The surfing sucks oin the east side so were moving to the west and gonan do some underwater caving in a few days. Merry Christmas to all, it's christmas eve here but there are no present under the tree. we don't even have a tree. But that's ok, i don'tmind at all, it's been kinda nice to be away from that chaos, although i miss being with the fam around now. I wish all a merry xmas wherever you are.
no wonder all the kiwis come to Canada to party...sheesh. Have a great xmas aaron! Hope you get lots of pretty rocks!
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