Saturday, October 21, 2006

Field Season 2006 part 1

Hey there, well people probably won't be reading this as i haven't entered anything in since my trip to asia but now that i'm done the field season and in front a comp regularly, i thought i would give you a break down of the summer. You see instead of the 4 seasons that most people affiliate with, i work on 2: the field/work season and the non-work season.
My season began in terrace where i was going to be the core logger for this other company. I arrived however to a different reality. I was the core logger but also the project geo and oragniser of welll... everything. Bit of a shock but what really helped that i knew everything that i needed and where to get it from my experience being in terrace last summer for 3 months. Long story short as i don't have many pics for that time is that it was a really good time in terrace. Got to see lots of my buddy dustin and in the year he has accumulated a very cool group of peeps that i infiltrated. Got to see lots of world cup games as my schedule was determined by the boss, who was me! So that worked out pretty good overall actually. Then i returned to vancouver for 3 weeks which was nice as i missed Justina very much and we got to actually spend some time together which seems so distant right now. But the other part of it was that i wasn't working in prime working season so that part wasn't as good. Well first week of august came around and i was shipped off to the mackenzie mountains in the NWT for a 10 fly camp prospecting and mapping job. Back to the roots part of the job which i like very much.
It was awesome, 4 person camp, Brad and I and Colleen and Brownwen, 2 girls that had been working up in the yukon-NWT all summer. It was a really good crew that's for sure. we spent our days hiking around sampling and mapping and nights having a few drinks and a really good time. I enjoy that kind of stuff, especially because the weather was incredibly good. I have provided some pics of the view from my tent and the group and such. it was gorgeous up there, no bugs, hot at daya and cold at night, crazy stars and just good times. we didn't even see any bears which was a surpise. The worst day that we had was the last day so we were very glad of that. got back to whitehorse for one more night of partying. (we luckily didn't get a cop searchlight on us this time, unlike the night before we left for camp. After this, i took a 3 days journey to Dawson City to do some assesment work to follow up some stuff from last year. One day of work and 2 nights in dawson ain't bad. After this i flew back to vancouver for 4 days with Justina as she was leaving for india on the 5th. I added the pic of Justina's going away keg and my scooter. (They wouldn't let us try to take it on the scooter, which was probably a good idea). From there i went back to terrace for a 2 week prospecting and mapping program.


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