Saigon, Phnom Phen

Well i'm in phnom phen right now, it's pouring rain outside and were waiting for the bus to come get us to go to siem reap. Saigon was interesting, a bit of a blur but that's fine with me, big cities aren't really what i'm looking for. Got in around 7, found a place to stay and went out for some drinks and of course met up with people that we had seen in hoi an. Well fifty cents for a bottle of beer, can't go wrong. The next morning after maybe, mmm, a few hours of sleep, we went on the tour to the cu chi tunnels. It was quite interesting although there wasn't much to see. OUr guide was a south vietnamese veteran so it was the most interesting talking to him and his experience. Then, we got dropped off at the War remnants museum, had some luch and explored. The museum was interesting, lost of relic american war stuff and some pretty amazing photos, no kiddy stuff that's for sure. Walking home from the museum was interesting, the traffic was intense and i just liked crossing the street, i could do that all day, hehe. We got some good videos. That night had some really good thais curry and of course met up with the group at the same local place with cheap beer. Afterwards, me and 2 of the kiwis decided that we had better find some dancing in the club district. Well again, that was interesting. Many prostitutes, well i think so, sometimes it's hard to tell who's who. It was fun though just got a beer and danced for a couple of hours. When we went to leave, it was a serious downpour. We waited for a bit but it didn't seem it was gonna totally let up so we caught a cab back to our hostel area. When we got there, it soon died down and so we walked the rest of the day. Funny how i miss the rain, it puts a smile on my face. The next morning we woke up early and went to the saigon waterpark. Since we were flying to Phnom phen and were really only saving a few hours( It turned out to be more than that as the bus was really late, hehe), so we decided we better make use of it. So i spent the last few hours of my time in vietnam in a waterpark. It was fun though, they had tons of rides, tubes for people and tubes for rafts, and wave pools etc... So the flight was 20 minutes and we got a place on the lake and went to the killing fields. Quite the contrast from the waterpark... Well it was interesting, just the walk around bones and old clothes everywhere, the evil is everywhere. It's quite hard to understand how people can be allowed to make other people do such terrible things and the fact that there is still no justice. That night we sat on the deck overlooking the lake and watched the amazing sunset and scenery, had some food, some drinks, and just chilled out. It was great. Today we got up early, said bye to Lisa who was going back to NZ and set off to see the grand palace and the genocide museum. The palace was quite spectacular, and all kept in tip top shape. Don't know really how to descibe it, you'll just have to see the photos. The genocide museum was located in a high school that was turned into the largest prison and interrogation centre by the Kmer rouge. It was really sad, just to picture the cruelty and pain that envellopes thsi complex. There were 20,000 people saif to be intered here over the years of the regime and 7 survived. To stare at the many photos pf the victims struck you hard. And the stories of many of them were really touching. A country in tourmoil with people with little choice in the matter. Well gonna catch the bus to siam reap, got 3 nights, 2 days there and then fly to bangkok fo rthe day and then i'm home. i gotta say i'm kinda looking forward to it now that's it's happening and i know it, hehe. well talk to you or see you soon.
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