Nha Trang- Mui ne

Hey there, not going to even bother with photos but i thought that i would keep you updated. So that day after i put up the last entry i walked down the street, went to the post office to phone the airline to try to change my flight for the hundreth time. So i was on hold and i hear, "your call will be answered in one minute", then a minute later, "your call will e answered in 2 minutes", then a few minutes later, "your call will be answered in 3 minutes". so i just hung up the phone and said forget it. So then i was walking down the street to go to the beach, ut one of the many people offering motorbike rides got my attention and translate some written testaments of previous customers that was french. So then i read numerous testaments of how amazing the trip is, i think to myself, i can be on the each anyday. So i say yes, let's go. It was actually such an experience. He took me way out into the countryside, to the beautiful rice fields and sugar cane fields. We went to these cool waterfalls, stopping along the way anytime i want to take some pics and give some cookies to the kids in the minority villages. The water falls were quite nice where we swam and had lunch. On the way back, we stopped at a school where i gave a large ox of cookies to the teacher to give out to the students. Then we stopped at a sugar cane factory which was really interesting. We then stopped at a spot where they were processing rice with this thing that looked like a quarter tanker truck. The people there were so friendly as i dout that they see many tourists out here. Amazing what a difference tha makes. After visiting some sights of the city, the huge white buddha and some champa ruins, we went ack to his local spot for some saigon beers. That was awesome, his english was actually really good, a good friend of his stopped by and joined us for a bit. one lady was trying to teach me all the words to describe different body parts, etc... Really cool experience and i now know why there was so many good reviews. After that i went ack to the hotel and then met up with the kiwis and the americans who were hanging out at a local place. the irish wussed out. then we went to the why not ar where me and 2 of the kiwis just danced up a storm as there wasn't much else to do. On the way to the beach at 2:30am, i had the best baguette sandwich ever, hehe and we chilled at the each before i returned to the hotel. Of course was woken up by a knock on the door, had slept through my alarm and had to get on the us at 8am. So grabed my stuff and out the door i went. The bus ride wasn't too ad, about 5 hours, arriving in mui ne around 1:30pm. Got a room and a motorbike and drove to the kiteoarding place. unfortunately, there was not enough wind to do kiteboarding, nor was there gonna be any for the next 5 days so that was out. instead just drove my motornike around and pretty much went down every paved road possible until it ended, hehe. Took in the sand dunes at sunset where you can slide down them on carpets. Good sleep last night and today was gonna do some windsurfing but the wind is even worse today so maybe just gonna lie around. Got a 2pm us to saigon then maye quickly into cambodia, still gotta decide that. well take care
do you have something against the 'b' button?
i don't care how long it takes to change your flight - DO IT ;)
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