Louang Phabang-Vang Vieng

Ok so now i am in vang vieng, the internet this was a lot easier in thailand but still it's fine here too maybe i'm just lazy, hehe. anyways, the past few days have been a blast. we got a nice place to stay for 5 bucks a night and this group of 7 or so cam to our place the next day after we told them how good it was and they told us how bad theirs was, hehe, suckers. anyways, there is a sweet night market in the town with many things to buy, i wish i cuold teleport stuff backl but alas i can only get little things here and there. That night we went out to dinner and then to a bar for some drinks, the german retired, i guess they can only drink lots of beer during the day, hehe, so it was me and the finnish couple. we had one drink and at 11 decide to go to another place where there where other people from the boat. But of course as we were walking in the next place they were walking out as last call had already passed. Things in laos close at 11:30, hehe. So we got a good night's sleep at least.
The next day after a leasurely(i can't spell) breakfast along the mekong, we took a tuk-tuk to the speedboat launch and took the speedboat tothe buddha caves where there are many buddha statues and paintings. We had seen speedboat go past when we cam down from Houay Xai and most of them were wearing helmets. BUt of course we had none. I probably felt a lot safer than it actually was but oh well. After the caves, we decided to cross the river for some beerlao, and of course because of this trip, we ran out of gas 200m from our destination, hehe. total lao style. after some paddling we got a little bit of gas from another boat, and got close enough to paddle into our spot. That night, we went out again to the same place and had to leave at 11:30 but this time we heard of this place that is somehow open to 2am. maybe owned by the gov't? well whatver it was, all the bartenders were flaming with orange shirts and the place was full of farangs. But it was Piet's last night so you gotta go a little more.
The next day me and the fins and one canadian went to the famous waterfalls which were actually quite amazing. some very nice cliff jumping and a good rope swing and lush jungle forest. It is now the new years festival here which is also called the water festival as people soak everyone driving/biking by. and so as out taxi is more like a truck and because we are farangs, it is impossible to arrive back at your hostel with a single thread of dry clothing. It's a good things it's hot here. i bought a watergun but that doesn't compete with buckets of water... We had a nice chill night of shopping and cards and of course beerlao and hopped on the bus at 9am this morning to vang vieng. the scenery was amazing, rugged sharp mountains encased in lush jungle. but it made the journey very long and rough and windy. tomorrow we shall do some tubing and such then it's off to vientiene. ok this is plenty long enough. ok well i wanted to add more photos but it's doesn't like me, i just though maybe i should be loading while i write...hehe
bring some beerlao back into Thailand and meet me in Bangkok on May 5th. Do it.
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