Vang Vieng-Vientiene

Ok, so now i am in vientiene. it's amazing how samll a place can feel but this city feels really small. It was a nice journey on the bus today and i have everything set up for vietnam, had to pay a little more for the visa so that i can leave here on saturday but no problem, flying to hanoi on a hour flight is way better than 24 on the bus, whatever the cost, and you just have to look big scale. Vang Vieng is a nice location but is lacking in the feel. It was more like an amsterdam in laos and there was construction everywhere. The first night, we partied quite a bit and it was feelng a little too much like a spring break party, kinda weird but oh well. The next morning i did not get up early as i had splurged on a a/c room, mmm... We didn't get tubing until 1pm and this was a little late as the sun went behind the large rock mountain that faces the town. It was still fun though to go on the swings and float around drinking beer lao of course. It was crazy how tired i was after this though, i don't know the full reason but crashed from 7-10pm, woke up to go get some food, got a pancake and some water and returned to bed, hehe. what an exciting time you say, but it was good for me. some much needed comfortable rest. Man it is really hot here. ok well there is not much else to say i guess, just wated to throw some pics up and say hi.
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