Sunday, March 26, 2006


Ok, so now i am in Sukhotai, on the way to chang mai tomorrow morning. it's really nice to get out of bangkok but what i'm really looking forward to is the mountains of chang mai and pai to do some trekking and such and also laos as well. the day in bangkok was quite the whirlwind, trying to get in some boat boat riding down the river, gotta see wat pho and the grand palace, gotta do the tuk-tuk city tour with scam work, hehe, all part of the experience. we (meaning me and this girl Camille, who is from van and went to ubc who i met on the plane over) knew about the tuk-tuk scam but thought hey we get to see a lot of the city and i can deal with some selling, i know all about it, hehe. we didn't know of the scam that the will strand you out at some site for some other driver to try the scam all over again. well we weren't having any of that and had to pay the huge fee of an extra dollar to get them to take us straight back to where we want to go. why can't we just pay them whatever commission or gas coupon the shops give them?? oh well it was an adventure to get to the bus terminal to get to Sukhothai as the travel agent kinda knew but really didn't. we were lucky that a lady that was waiting at the bus stop was so friendly and actually has been to vancouver to study english who could help us. then when we arrived to the bus terminal, 2 a day trips turned into more like once an hour and so tehre really was no rush or anything. today we visited the heritage park of Sukhothai, which was really nice but of course i wanted to ride bikes the 14km there which was fine at 9:30 in the morning but not so good at 1:30 in the afternoon when you learn a new meaning of hot where you wish there was no breeze because it feels hotter than the surrounding air, hehe. well gonna go get a little drubnk tonight i believe. take care everyone.


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