Heli ski trip 2006

So as i am packing for asia and getting ready to leave, i thought that i might try to put up some stuff up about my weekend heli skiing near cranbrook. I flew in on wednesday and commenced partying with the work buddies. Well, we party hard. So the next day i slept in until 2 of course and took the whole day at ease. On friday we work up early, went to breakfast with the 15 other people on the trip and headed to the hanger to get our shit in gear. It was a 2 hour drive to the heli pick up spot and of course we were drinking the whole way. Upon arriving in camp, it was an unter blizzard so we didn't get to do any heli skiing that day so instead we got the fire going and the keg tapped. Gong show night, and we awoke to a nice sunny day. On saturday it was touring day and we put our skins and snowshoes on and hiked up the ridge do do some lines. Beers and joints at the top and after one run we decided to go up and do another. This is when things turned a little sour. While everyone else went back to camp and got in a gasoline fire accident. No one was hurt, just caught on fire. The probably 5 minutes later, i caused an avalache on my run down and was lucky enough to get a tree. My buddy came down but didn't see what happened to me and so he caused another avalanche and lost his ski n the process. Well the ski day was over but we weren't phased too much as we knew the next day would be insane. If anyone gets the chance to heli ski, do it, the experience is amazing. I mean getting fresh lines every run was sweet but the best part for me was being up in the helicopter and watching your buddies come down the hill, it was like you were right there behind the scenes of a ski movie. Well the day was awesome, and it was a great group who for one day, wouldn't be doing anything else in the world. Well something close to that at least.
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