
Ok, so is anyone reading this, i haven't got any comments at all. Even a hi would be nice, common how hard is that? hehe Anyways, in Taupo now, might not get pics up here but will soon. We went out that night after the intense 3 hour interenet session and checked out the local bars. Nothing huge as its friday and people go out here on thursday and saturday, but fun anyways. Went to sleep around 1:30am, mmm car sleeping and woke up 3 hours later to get on our 5:30am ferry. Wow what a restfull sleep. It was really nice though going through Malborough sounds as the sun is coming up and got a few good early light pics. We arrived in Wellington and had breakfast and hit the road. And it was obviously the right direction as as we got closer and closer to Taupo, it got sunnier and sunnier. We stopped to take some pics of the mountains for mordor including mount doom, which was neat, it was a good day to see them. Got in to Taupo, went to one place to inquire about a room and they only had 3 left and they were above the bar so apparently our floors would shake until 4 am, like literally. So i guess we found where we were gonna go to tonight but not a place to stay. Found a few beds, and headed out for dinner. Had a nice server from Quebec city but of course my french has deteriorated to near nothing but i tried anyways. That night people were out, we haven't been to many places where there have been many others partying but this was for sure one of them. We woke up the next morning feeling 100% reading for skydiving. well maybe 20% but we were ready. It was really really fun. I can't believe that these people do it sometimes 15 times a day. and get paid to do it too. The one guy has done over 9000 jumps! Anyways, it's interesting, when you are on your way to jump out of the plane, you don't really realize what's going on and then when you are free falling, that's only when you can tell. Crazy! you can't not just laugh the whole time. Well after that we had some lunch and crashed for a while. Got up to go bungy jumping but unfortunately it was just closing so we aren't gonna do both in a day, that will have to wait until tomorrow. Oh well. The thing i'm thinking about the most right now is 4 more sleeps until India. Tomorrow its off to Auckland for the last 2 nights and there is a tennis tournament going on starting tomorrow night so we are gonna check that out. Take care everyone.
Ya, I went 3 months with no comments! But I tried to say hi earlier and your blog wouldn't let me! boohiss...
I could use a few more 'hehe's from you too!!!!!
see you in four days!
Of course we are reading your blog. People just do not post comments b/c they need to have an account and it can be a hassel - we email instead...ha ha. Anyways, keep enjoying the south and we'll keep skiing in the north! Nice photos....sometimes I actually drool!
Hey definitely little hassle in signing up. Likely though that Rosanna and I will be posting some stuff so signed us both up. Sounds like things are moving along well for you bro. Another reason for the lack of comments, is simple. Jealousy. Plain and simple. Missed you this Christmas. Have a safe trip over to India. Take Care brother.
Love Levi
Gotta agree with the original Higgs and express my jealousy. But this is tempered with happiness for you. Some nice pics, great colours on the landscape and ocean. Too bad about the weather, think I experienced some of that in Brazil. Cloudy summer in a place associated your whole lifetime with sun and surf? I don't think so.
A mention in a previous post about New Years calls. Proud to be on the list, buddy. We had a shaker up at the castle on the Bench, records spinning (they tell me) until 7 a.m.
Well, the wait is almost over for India -- enjoy. Overheard conversation yesterday at the mountain and the consensus was DON'T ever be polite or think you're a hero and drink the water. I'm sure you know this. BTW, Shames is consistently getting 20-30 cm a night over the last couple weeks... quite epic.
Now that I'm signed up, I'll be more frequet, hehe
L'Higgs! Quarter century? C'mon that's not too old. What is the exact date anyway? Belated one, buddy.
You seem to be misbehaving as Justina seems to be walking away from you in too many pics?
I love the one of the boats, surf and crouching dude. Nice work. Keep it up?
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